Help Me Move - A Moving Guide Checklist

Moving is a stressful business with a thousand details to attend to so I have put together a series of Checklists to help your move go smoothly. Bookmark this page and use these lists as a guide to keep yourself on track during your move:

The following is a list of businesses that will need to know about your move.

Company  Telephone Website
Telus (403) 310-2255
Enmax (Water/Sewer/Electricity) (403) 310-2010
Direct Energy
ATCO Gas (403) 245-7888
Alberta Health Care 310-0000 then 780-427-1432
Home and Vehicle Insurance contact your insurance broker

Don’t forget to have your address changed with the following companies:

  • Canada Post

  • Credit Card Companies

  • Banks

  • GST Tax Credit

  • Child Tax Benefit

  • Subscriptions

  • Personal Insurance

  • Investigative Agents

Also, be sure to obtain these personal records:

  • Medical Records

  • Dental Records

  • School Records

Make sure you leave your forwarding address with the Purchaser of your're bound to forget to notify somebody!

Moving Yourself

The two essential ingredients of a successful move are manpower and hauling capacity.

Calculate whether moving yourself actually makes economic sense. Add up all moving costs including boxes, packing material, gas, meals, truck rental and insurance. Compare it against a quote from a professional moving company.

Four questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I have time to pack and move all my goods?

  • Am I physically capable of moving heavy pieces?

  • Do I know enough people who can and are willing to help me move?

  • Can I drive a rental truck? If not, who can?

    If you do rent a truck, it's better to rent a larger one than you think you'll need. Otherwise, you will have to make more than one trip.

Choosing a Professional Mover

  • Ask family and friends for recommendations.

  • If in doubt, check with the Better Business Bureau.

  • Determine the size, distance and timing of your move.

  • Choose between a "self service" move (you pack and unpack) or a "full service" move (the moving company packs and unpacks).

  • Obtain a written cost estimate.

  • Review insurance coverage. There are three types:

    • Standard coverage

    • Assessed value coverage

    • Full replacement coverage

Common Things People Forget

  • Get copies of medical, dental, immunization, school and veterinarian records (if moving to a new city).

  • Advising subscriptions.

  • Pick up dry cleaning.

  • New address (keep handy at all times).

  • Cleaning supplies for cleaning after movers have loaded everything.

  • Garage door opener (remember to leave it behind).

  • Keys (gather up all house keys and leave for new home owner

Long Distance Moving Checklist

  • Open new bank accounts
    Transfer funds and anything you have in your safety deposit box.

  • Health Care
    Take the time to choose new health professionals.
    Research the Internet for doctors, dentists, specialists and hospitals.
    Ask new friends and working colleagues for recommendations.

  • Prescriptions
    Be sure to get a couple of months worth of prescriptions from your doctor before moving.

  • Medical Records
    Get copies of doctor's records and case records and have them forwarded to your new doctor.

  • Insurance
    Check all of your insurance policies to ensure that coverage will continue in your new area. If not, ask your insurance agent for a recommendation.

  • Memberships
    Formally resign or transfer memberships from any local organizations or associations.

  • School Records
    Ask the school to make a copy for your to take with you.

  • Borrowed items
    Return library books, rental videos or other items you may have borrowed from friends and neighbours.

  • Trip to new home
    Pack a first aid box and a food and beverage "care package" for the trip to your new home.

Moving with Kids

  • Provide children with as much information as possible about the move and allow them to participate in decision-making discussions.

  • Familiarize the children with the new area using maps, photographs and related Internet sites. Talk about the positive aspects of their new home, school and neighbourhood. Encourage questions and invite children to talk about their worries.

  • For young children, make the move an adventure. Encourage them to pack their own things, leaving favourite toys until the end.

  • Resist the temptation to send children away during the move unless they are very young. Participating will help them adjust more easily to their new surroundings.

  • For older children who are leaving friends, sports teams and their school, emphasize how easy it is to keep in touch through e-mail and the telephone.

  • After the move, participate with the kids in local religious events, Scouts or Girl Guides and community sport teams.

No matter how well you have prepared your children, expect them to be a little upset. The emotional impact is greater for older children than for younger children. Watch for signs of depression.